Thursday, August 18, 2011

Children Challenge in Education Part 2.

It is possible! Our children need to know it is possible.

In our society that is base on proof before belief, with kids we stress what they need to do without taking the time to help them understand why. They have come to expect and answer for their questions because that is what they have been exposed to in the model of child parent relationships on TV and in movies. They have a natural curiosity that we destroy by now engaging in instruction on what is appropriate to as and when it is appropriate to ask questions. We just tell them to go somewhere and sit down of even worst, we answer them without emphasizing our authority and position as a parent. This teaches them that they can question/ challenge authority and not respect it, therefore they don't know how to conduct themselves around other adults. With out regard to respect, there is no basis for proper relationships with teachers and other non-parents in the life of the child and no foundation for listening and obedience. No order created chaos and that is what in rampant in most schools.

So why am I talking about this when the topic in It's Possible? Simple. Our children don't receive instruction because they don't respect authority. No one can tell them anything. They only believe their parents or friends and not the ones who are paid to teach them. The have no reverence for school, education, or their future because they are too immature to evaluate what is important beyond there own selfish wants and desires. Therefore, they can't perceive with is possible.

People need many influences in there lives to become well rounded. The way our children are growing up, they are taought to listen to no one but their parents or guardian. Crazy when you think that most of thier time will be spent around other people when they reach school age. This breeds behavior that create massive distractions in the classroom. Because our children have no discipline, teacher spend the majority of the time trying to maintain order or just teaching the few kids that will listen. That is why our test scores are so low through out the country. Children are use to challenging the parent that a teacher, principle, police officer, of other authority figure posese no fear or challenge to them.

Their perception is so limited that what was possible is an impossibility. They lack information and have no vision. With out vision there action are without order and discipline. They cause chaos and disarray in whatever enviorment they are in and are expected to function well in this model. We need to do a better job instlling discipline and respect in them so that we can teach what is possible.

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