Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is the Real Challenge in our Education System.

To much of our focus in on curriculum. If you present information to someone, no matter how good it is, I will not be effective if the person is not paying attention. We spend a lot of time presenting information to kids a lot of different and creative ways yet we don't do enough to get their ear. I am not saying that curriculum is not important, I am emphasizing that relationship with the student is more important than to the process that provides the information itself. The best information in the world with not improve the level of intellect in the country because our kids are not interested in learning. So the real question would be how do we get students engaged?

Through working with kids over the years, I have noticed a phenomenon. There are some who are motivated, some who are interested, some who are uncertain, and some who just exist. Motivated students have the desire to learn and are willing to work at obtaining their education (this is not based on ability to comprehend information or master concept, this is the willingness to invest effort in learning). The Interested Student likes information only on certain topics. They only invest time into subjects the they find intriguing. Any topic outside of these areas they have no desire to invest in. Some are uncertain. They have no real grounding as to what will help them move through life effectively. They are not sure that education is what is needed to get them where they want to go or they have no trust in the validity of the benefits of pursuits in any particular area as a means to a desired end. Some students just exist which means that they are going through the motions.  They have no aspiration or belief that they can achieve their desires without the need to invest in their education. This causes them to only do what is necessary to get by. These student often look for the first opportunity to escape and pursue something other than education.

This simply means that student will not invest in something that they don't know will help them achieve in the future. The only way to get them to invest in what they don't fully understand is through relationship. When there is value present, investment will logically follow. People are willing to invest in anything they know has real value. We tell them that education is where the value is but they will not comprehend that value because of there lack of maturity and experience at a particular time. There perception is their reality so changing that perception of value is the key to getting them to truly by in to the power of education. Sometimes that only comes through relationship.

The final part to this equation is the key to effecting change overall.  Children have no ownershp over thier school identity. It is not something that they want to be a part of aside from having to go. There is no pride in what the school represents and their ability to impact the overall reputation or preception in a positive way. With no value in the school itself, there is no desire to striving to make a difference in the school. The impression of the school works against the student desire for affiliation with it. School becomes just a place they have to go instead of a conduit of growth in our youth. The lack of value in the image of the school, and a vistion of how they create the image of the school causes them to not invest if the school experience. They think of school and a destination and not a place to invest in. If children were engaged in the school experience, then the participation in events that effect how the school in veiwed would go up. They would have more pride in the schools performance because it is a representation of how they've made an impact overall. So the question is, How do we get them envolved?

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