Saturday, May 7, 2011

How do we rob God?

This is courtesy of Marcus Smith who share some amazing insight with me on this matter. These are my thoughts on the matter that I thought would provide a different perspective.

The scripture asks Will a Man Rob God? This is not really a question but a statement of fact. This is meant to cause thought or bring awareness to the fact that we are robbing God and may or may not know how. He says that we are robbing him through tithes and offerings. What does he mean? We think that it is just in the giving of tithes and offerings in accordance with the ordinances of God. Does tithes and offering cease when the ordinances change?
The perspective that I see this in is from the sense that God is our source  and provider for all that we need. [Php_4:16-19 2Co_9:8 Luk_12:30-33 Mat_6:25-34 As part of this relationship, We are given the tools that we need to do what God expects us to. He Gave us purpose and with purpose comes responsibility. The tools that each of us were equipped with was for the purpose of completing a predestined assignment meant specifically for us and individual as a part of a greater plan. Eph_4:11 1Co_12:8-11 1Co_12:7 This forethought is why we are important. Jer_1:5 Rom_8:28-30 1Pe_5:10
One of the things on the list for us to do is to re-establish a relationship with God. This step is important to realizing our identity (who we are as God has established us, not as the world has defined us.) Our confidence is to stem from this understanding, and not from the confidence we have in our own strength. Jer_17:7 1Jn_5:14 This will change you self image and esteem for yourself transforming your thoughts into what God sees in you. We renew our mind constantly replacing what we have learned with new information to take us to another level. Rom_12:2 This shift in thinking is a life long endeavor. God values the purpose he has given you as a treasure and expects you to make it good on the call on your life. We rob God when we don't accomplish what he purposed us to do and lives are not saved. When we are in pursuit of the plan of God for our lives, He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him and his call. It doesn't please God for us to squander our gifts as in the parable of the talents. As our tree bares fruit, He will continue to prosper us giving us the desires of our heart as it aligns with the call of our life. Mat_6:33


  1. We Rob God by not reaching the potential that he created us for. It causes us to struggle with the most basic precepts (Mat 25:15-30), like paying tithes because we have not tapped into the source of our supply. The tithe is not only meant to honor God, but like in the parable of the sower, it is meant to provide opportunity for greater resources. God provides you with the talent and gifts to prosper (Eph 3:20) according to the ability that works in us. That ability or talent is what God provides. If we don't us our Gifts and talents for what God designed, we rob him of his return.

  2. Now I can understand that. This should have been your first answer--BEST TO KEEP IT SIMPLE--YOU WONT LOOSE PEOPLE ATTENTION---but the whole concept of of robbing God --i ?
