Sunday, March 20, 2011

What does it take for you a achieve success?

If there was a easy formula for success then everyone would achieve it. What I have discovered is that success is not what is ordinarily defined by people. There are many people when asked the question,"What are some of the keywords to success?" would formulate a list of words like:
Diligence, Hard work, Consistency, Effort, Goals, Heart, Desire, Positive, Persistence, Determination, Reliability, Responsibility, Delegation, Support, Direction, Purpose, Accomplishments, Coaching, Supervision, Leadership, Pursuit, Instruction, Decisions, Choices, Confidence, Solutions, Resources, Targets, Values, Ethics, Perspective, Outlook, Character, Challenges, Communication...... and so on and so on.  As an exercise, if you said, __________ is a key to success. [using a word from the list above. I am sure that you would agree that these words are often used as a key part to the success process.  What if I said that none of these words singularly or grouped together would not guarantee success.  Now before you have an attack of some kind or totally think that I am crazy, please hear me out. There us one thing that ties all of these concepts together that will assure your success. That word is system.  Let's try it out.  Say this,"___________itself will not guarantee success but _____________ plus a system will. [for the blank you can use any combination of terms above and this will still be true.]  Please try this out and send me you comment about what you discover and fill free to include any other words that you feel will enhance the list.

As always, I strive to keep you thinking.

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