Thursday, March 17, 2011

What do you think about the financial situation of the United States?

I am on a mission to help inform people of the information that can change their lives for the better.  You have to research this information for yourself.  Please watch the information and comment on it. This is for conversation purposes in the pursuit of truth.


  1. Yes Sir! You should check out a movie called "The Corporation"- very eye-opening. With all of the information given people have less and less excuses based on ignorance. I'll give you an example of the duality of man, and his evil ways; I worked for a company that employed 250 or less people, generated about $350 million in revenue, and had less than 10 people at the top of the heap reaping 95% of the rewards. Fair enough. The set up was pretty standard- sales staff earned 25% commision on net profit, and in those rare instances when the company didn't make a profit on your sale, they still paid you at least $100, or what was called a "mini", for minimum commision opportunity. Real-world examples of Christian kindness, these guys. Well one day an opportunity came for those of us in the sales craft to earn for ourselves a life-changing commision on our sales. The product we would be selling was very rare, and we had only a very limited amount of time to sell it. This product had a manufactuer's suggested retail price of $166,945, but because of high demand, we were able to sell several of these items for as much as twice that price. When the money changed hands though, guess who was left out of the loop... EXACTLY!- the sales staff, who instead of receiving 25% commision of profit, now was offered only a flat fee of $5,000. There were other situations very similar to this example that came down the line, but none any more demonstrative of the point I am making with this submission. Bottom line being, our economy and our social situation will never change as long as we refuse to give our every thought and dream and desire of our hearts over to God. In our human flesh we are incapable of doing the right thing any, some of, most of, or ever- ALL of the time. The same individuals- to a man- that took part in the decision to cheat myself and others in the example above, also went to great lengths for several months to transmit propoganda against our current President, and accuse him of being a socialist. These same people that as a course of business, unprovoked, decided that "Republican-based" capitalism was not a good system for their very own employees to take part in when it was "their money" being spread evenly as according to the previous long-standing agreement. You see, to put it plainly- when I can earn nearly $100K in only a few months through transactions of business, and that money can have real-world effect on my family and their future, it was made painfully obvious by the already rich decision makers who had the power to do so, that they were not interested in taking part in conservative capitalism in it's purest form. Not at all, in fact- it turns out they are Socialists, when it was convenient to be such. Or were they Communists? Or does it really matter- because the political affiliation is not the factor that controls the decision to be made- it is the spiritual condition of the man. This is why the love of money is the root of all evil, and the path that leads to righteousness is a narrow one, and few there be that will find it. Our country's financial situation is an extended, and painfully shared example of a greater problem borne on the shoulders of all humanity- in our hearts we are indeed, not very humane at all. Jesus came to relieve us of the weight of that truth, because it is enough to kill every man woman boy and girl on this earth, and collectively, without Him taking the weight of our own sin away from us, no one would ever live a life of freedom, happiness, security, or ever have any hope of dying and going on to the everlasting life with our Creator. We can't even share a rightly earned dollar between ourselves. Lord, help us all.

  2. This is great insight. Thank for taking the time to look at this information. I have seen that is difficult for people to accept something that is so different from what they are use to. This is the advantage that people who are manipulation the system count on. If they can get you to believe what is not true good enough, then you will reject the truth every time. We should be a people willing to research information before be decide on its validity.
