Saturday, March 19, 2011

What is Love Not?

People over the years have been conditioned, educated, and influence to put love in a number of categories’ and give it a cookie cutter definition that, in most cases falls short of the totality of what love is. Here are some thoughts on the topic that may spark conversation.

Let’s look at what love is not.
 Here is a list:
Making love (including sex of forms of intercourse)
Being kind

This short list are some of the common uses for the meaning of love, but these are nothing more than ways that we express love one toward another.
Love is demonstrated through action and consistent behavior.
Love is a choice- it comes from a sense of comfort, familiarity, attraction, or kinship, (a connection expressed or experienced between) between individuals.
As relationships develop, a key point would be The Rules of Interaction. What is expressed in action is a byproduct of the rules of the relationship, (type of interaction) chosen by individuals.  Love is internal, external; it is only limited by our choices, decision, view, agreement, and thoughts.

What is Love’s source?  [God, Holy Spirit, and your will.]
Love is a motivation to act.
Making love is a decision to act in a way that expresses what you understand love to be.
Puppy love is an identification of desire to be involved with someone for the purpose of expressing what you think love is.
Being in love is a decision to express what you think love is choosing to commit yourself to a person or thing and being willing to do whatever you believe it takes to make and keep that interaction.

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